
Esther Virgili Moreno
Esther Virgili Moreno

T: +34 93 404 70 57
Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona

Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona
Spain Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid
Spain 375 Park Avenue, 26th floor
New York 10152
United States

Practices and Sectors

  • Tax


Esther Virgili joined Pérez-Llorca in 2022 as Counsel for the Tax practice area. Prior to this, Esther worked in three Spanish law firms where she was involved in contentious and administrative proceedings in the tax field.


  • 2019 Development Programme for Executives. Women on the Board of Directors, Barcelona Bar Association
  • 1998 Master’s Degree in Taxation, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
  • 1997 Master’s Degree in Company Law, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
  • 1996 Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

She speaks Spanish, Catalan and English.


Esther Virgili is a lawyer specialising in tax proceedings both in administrative proceedings (before any state, regional or local tax administration, as well as in economic-administrative proceedings) and in contentious proceedings (before the Courts and High Courts in Spain’s autonomous communities, the National High Court, the Spanish Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union).

Academic and publishing collaborations

Esther is an associate professor in the Department of Public Law and Historical-Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Her written publications include:

  • Recursos y reclamaciones en vía económico-administrativa (II)”, in Bosch Cholbi, J.L. (Dir.), Comentarios a la Ley General Tributaria al hilo de su reforma, CISS Wolters Kluwer, 2016.

Professional organisations

The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).


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Practices and Sectors
Team Esther Virgili Moreno


Esther Virgili Moreno

Licence no. 23804

The Barcelona Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Counsel Esther Virgili Moreno

Licence no. 23804

The Barcelona Bar Association

Practices and Sectors

T: +34 93 404 70 57
Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona

Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona
Spain Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid
Spain 375 Park Avenue, 26th floor
New York 10152
United States


Esther Virgili joined Pérez-Llorca in 2022 as Counsel for the Tax practice area. Prior to this, Esther worked in three Spanish law firms where she was involved in contentious and administrative proceedings in the tax field.


  • 2019 Development Programme for Executives. Women on the Board of Directors, Barcelona Bar Association
  • 1998 Master’s Degree in Taxation, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
  • 1997 Master’s Degree in Company Law, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
  • 1996 Degree in Law, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

She speaks Spanish, Catalan and English.


Esther Virgili is a lawyer specialising in tax proceedings both in administrative proceedings (before any state, regional or local tax administration, as well as in economic-administrative proceedings) and in contentious proceedings (before the Courts and High Courts in Spain’s autonomous communities, the National High Court, the Spanish Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union).

Academic and publishing collaborations

Esther is an associate professor in the Department of Public Law and Historical-Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Her written publications include:

  • Recursos y reclamaciones en vía económico-administrativa (II)”, in Bosch Cholbi, J.L. (Dir.), Comentarios a la Ley General Tributaria al hilo de su reforma, CISS Wolters Kluwer, 2016.

Professional organisations

The Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB).


T: +34 93 404 70 57

Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona

Av. Diagonal, 640 8ºA
08017 Barcelona
Spain Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid
Spain 375 Park Avenue, 26th floor
New York 10152
United States