
Inês Arruda
Inês Arruda

T: +351 918 839 949
Rua Barata Salgueiro, 21
1250-141 Lisboa

Practices and Sectors

  • Employment, compensation and benefits
  • TechLaw


Inês joined Pérez-Llorca in 2024 as a partner in the Employment, Compensation and Benefits practice at the Lisbon office to strengthen de international strategy. She has forged her career in leading Portuguese and international firms. Until joining Pérez-Llorca, she was the partner in charge of the labour law department of the firm where she worked.


  • 2003 Postgraduate degree in Labour Law and Social Security, Lisbon Law School
  • 2001 Law degree, Catholic University of Lisbon

She is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


She has more than 20 years of experience advising national and international companies from different sectors on various aspects of labour law, such as labour litigation, corporate restructuring, disciplinary and administrative procedures, collective bargaining, pension plans and stock option plans, social security, as well as on the labour aspects of M&A transactions, asset sales and labour due diligence.

Awards & Recognition

  • Best Lawyers®: “Labor and Employment Law”
  • Lexology Client Choice Awards 2022 | Labour & Employment

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Inês has participated in the following publications:

  • “Sr. Código do Trabalho deixa passar a lei do bom senso” – Jornal Económico – 2021
  • “Covid 19 – “Lay-off, lay-off simplificado e a lei do encerramento por caso fortuito ou força maior” – Iberian Lawyer – 2020
  • “Um big brother laboral?” – Artigo sobre a decisão do TEDH sobre despedimento de trabalhador após visualização, pela empresa, de um chat de conversação privado – Advocatus – 2016
  • “Avaliação de Desempenho como critério de seleção dos trabalhadores a despedir” – Expo RH News – 2015
  • “Impacto do aumento do salário mínimo no subsídio de Natal” – Jornal de Negócios – 2014
  • “Conceito de Prejuízo Sério na Transferência de Local de Trabalho – Critérios
  • “Acordo de Revogação de Contrato de Trabalho – Um despedimento Negociado” – Anuário RH – 2010
  • “Encerramento de Empresa. Procedimentos a observar. Regime Especial das Microempresas” – Negócios e Franshising, 2010

Professional Organisations

  • Portuguese Bar Association
  • Membro da JUTRA – Associação Luso-Brasileira dos Juristas do Trabalho
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Practices and Sectors
Team Inês Arruda


Inês Arruda

Licence no. 19488L

Portuguese Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Partner Inês Arruda

Licence no. 19488L

Portuguese Bar Association



T: +351 918 839 949
Rua Barata Salgueiro, 21
1250-141 Lisboa


Inês joined Pérez-Llorca in 2024 as a partner in the Employment, Compensation and Benefits practice at the Lisbon office to strengthen de international strategy. She has forged her career in leading Portuguese and international firms. Until joining Pérez-Llorca, she was the partner in charge of the labour law department of the firm where she worked.


  • 2003 Postgraduate degree in Labour Law and Social Security, Lisbon Law School
  • 2001 Law degree, Catholic University of Lisbon

She is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


She has more than 20 years of experience advising national and international companies from different sectors on various aspects of labour law, such as labour litigation, corporate restructuring, disciplinary and administrative procedures, collective bargaining, pension plans and stock option plans, social security, as well as on the labour aspects of M&A transactions, asset sales and labour due diligence.

Awards & Recognition

  • Best Lawyers®: “Labor and Employment Law”
  • Lexology Client Choice Awards 2022 | Labour & Employment

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Inês has participated in the following publications:

  • “Sr. Código do Trabalho deixa passar a lei do bom senso” – Jornal Económico – 2021
  • “Covid 19 – “Lay-off, lay-off simplificado e a lei do encerramento por caso fortuito ou força maior” – Iberian Lawyer – 2020
  • “Um big brother laboral?” – Artigo sobre a decisão do TEDH sobre despedimento de trabalhador após visualização, pela empresa, de um chat de conversação privado – Advocatus – 2016
  • “Avaliação de Desempenho como critério de seleção dos trabalhadores a despedir” – Expo RH News – 2015
  • “Impacto do aumento do salário mínimo no subsídio de Natal” – Jornal de Negócios – 2014
  • “Conceito de Prejuízo Sério na Transferência de Local de Trabalho – Critérios
  • “Acordo de Revogação de Contrato de Trabalho – Um despedimento Negociado” – Anuário RH – 2010
  • “Encerramento de Empresa. Procedimentos a observar. Regime Especial das Microempresas” – Negócios e Franshising, 2010

Professional Organisations

  • Portuguese Bar Association
  • Membro da JUTRA – Associação Luso-Brasileira dos Juristas do Trabalho



T: +351 918 839 949

Rua Barata Salgueiro, 21
1250-141 Lisboa