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GC Alert | Mexican Supreme Court approves ruling against the Electric Industry L...
GC ALERT | The General Import and Export Duties Law (“LIGIE”) is enacted
GC ALERT | Supreme Court votes LIE Reform: Insufficient to rule its General Unco...
GC ALERT | Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) issued the Ruling establishi...
Presentation of the book: «Professional Self-Esteem» by Claudia Jañez
GC ALERT | The Chamber of Deputies rejects the Constitutional Reform on energy m...
GC ALERT | The energy regulatory commission (“CRE”) issues general administr...
GC Alert | Official Mexican standard nom-001-semarnat-2021, which establishes th...
GC Alert | New accounting obligation in order to obtain and maintain information...
GC ALERT | Cofece announces investigation into possible absolute monopolistic pr...
GC ALERT | Cofece begins research into barriers and essential inputs in the reta...
The D&I Awareness Challenge: Building a Diverse and Inclusive Landscape for...