

Practices and Sectors


Our Litigation team advises clients on the prevention and resolution of complex disputes. We offer support during negotiations and represent clients from various industries before local and federal courts at all levels.


Our Litigation team advises clients on the prevention and resolution of complex disputes. We offer support during negotiations and represent clients from various industries before local and federal courts at all levels.

Our practice is led by attorneys with a pragmatic approach, designing effective litigation strategies that minimize legal contingencies. The attorneys in this area collaborate with other practice areas of the firm and with experts, advising on client defense and providing legal opinions on contracts and the assessment of legal contingencies.

Civil and Commercial Litigation

The scope of our litigation practice includes general civil and commercial litigation matters, including but not limited to claims for damages, moral damages, corporate disputes, shareholder conflicts, commercial insolvency, class actions, restructurings, and settlement agreements, among others. Our lawyers have developed expertise in:

  • Class actions
  • Cybersecurity and conflicts related to technology
  • Contracting and public tenders
  • Corporate and M&A disputes
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Homologation and enforcement of judgments
  • Banking and financial litigation
  • Commercial litigation
  • Competition law litigation
  • Data protection litigation
  • Consumer protection litigation
  • Restructurings and insolvency

Constitutional and Administrative Litigation

The Firm’s experience includes representing clients in any type of dispute with administrative authorities, including administrative proceedings, contentious proceedings at both local and federal levels, and constitutional litigation through Amparo trials against laws, regulations, regulatory measures, decrees, and administrative acts. We also advise our clients on government contracting, including in tender procedures, as well as in implementing defense mechanisms against calls and terms of public tenders, rulings, sanctions (disqualifications and fines), administrative rescission, among others.

Our lawyers have developed expertise in:

  • Analysis of challenging laws and regulations in highly regulated industries through direct and indirect Amparo trials.
  • Advisory to government agencies regarding the structure and announcement of public tenders.
  • Regulatory advice on compliance with obligations arising from concessions, permits, or authorizations; public-private partnership contracts, among others.
  • Matters related to obtaining and maintaining permits, authorizations, and concessions.
  • Constitutional disputes.
  • General declaration of unconstitutionality.
  • Defense strategy against acts of authority.
  • Interpretation and scope of public and regulatory law aspects.
  • Amparo trials and appeals.
  • Litigation before federal and local administrative tribunals, including the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice.
  • Administrative and contentious proceedings related to disputes in banking, data protection, consumer protection, telecommunications, broadcasting, media, energy, technology, among others.
  • Public procurement procedures, including public tenders.
