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Alejandra Flores
Alejandra Flores


T: +34 91 423 70 32
Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid

17 Hill Street
London W1J 5LJ
United Kingdom


Alejandra joined Pérez-Llorca in September 2015.


  • 2016 Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2014 Joint Honours Degree in Law and Business Administration, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2013 Erasmus scholarship, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

She speaks Spanish and English.


Alejandra has extensive experience with management and inspection procedures before the Tax Authorities, and has been involved in the preparation of numerous appeals and complaints before the ordinary courts and the economic administrative courts against acts issued by the Tax Authorities.

Likewise, she advises companies and their shareholders, whether resident in Spain or not, on direct and indirect tax matters, especially those related to remuneration and incentives plans.

She also provides ongoing tax advice to clients regarding their day-to-day business activities.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Alejandra has written various articles related to her area of expertise in specialist press publications.

  • “La tributación de los vales de comida tras la ley del teletrabajo” (Diario Cinco Días, 25 January 2021).
  • “Cambio de doctrina sobre el despido de altos directivos” (Diario Cinco Días, 30 December 2019).
  • “La fiscalidad de los despidos, sin cambios” (Expansión, 10 October 2019).
  • “La Dirección General de Tributos confirma que el IVA en los vales de comida se devenga en el momento de canjear el vale y no en el de su emisión” (Diario La Ley, No. 9438, Sección Tribuna, 18 June 2019).
  • “No olviden seguir usando sus vales guardería, la DGT confirma su compatibilidad con la nueva deducción por gastos de guardería” (Expansión Jurídico, 12 February 2019).
  • “Honorarios por trabajos de más de dos años: un paso adelante en su fiscalidad” Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, No. 940, 26 April 2018
  • “La exención por maternidad ya es cosa del Supremo” Capital Humano, 14 March 2018

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Alejandra Flores features in the legal directory Best Lawyers® for ‘Tax Law’.

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Practices and Sectors
Team Alejandra Flores


Alejandra Flores

Licence no. 124121

The Madrid Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Associate Alejandra Flores

Licence no. 124121

The Madrid Bar Association


London Madrid


T: +34 91 423 70 32
Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid

17 Hill Street
London W1J 5LJ
United Kingdom


Alejandra joined Pérez-Llorca in September 2015.


  • 2016 Master’s degree for Access to the Legal Profession, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2014 Joint Honours Degree in Law and Business Administration, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2013 Erasmus scholarship, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

She speaks Spanish and English.


Alejandra has extensive experience with management and inspection procedures before the Tax Authorities, and has been involved in the preparation of numerous appeals and complaints before the ordinary courts and the economic administrative courts against acts issued by the Tax Authorities.

Likewise, she advises companies and their shareholders, whether resident in Spain or not, on direct and indirect tax matters, especially those related to remuneration and incentives plans.

She also provides ongoing tax advice to clients regarding their day-to-day business activities.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Alejandra has written various articles related to her area of expertise in specialist press publications.

  • “La tributación de los vales de comida tras la ley del teletrabajo” (Diario Cinco Días, 25 January 2021).
  • “Cambio de doctrina sobre el despido de altos directivos” (Diario Cinco Días, 30 December 2019).
  • “La fiscalidad de los despidos, sin cambios” (Expansión, 10 October 2019).
  • “La Dirección General de Tributos confirma que el IVA en los vales de comida se devenga en el momento de canjear el vale y no en el de su emisión” (Diario La Ley, No. 9438, Sección Tribuna, 18 June 2019).
  • “No olviden seguir usando sus vales guardería, la DGT confirma su compatibilidad con la nueva deducción por gastos de guardería” (Expansión Jurídico, 12 February 2019).
  • “Honorarios por trabajos de más de dos años: un paso adelante en su fiscalidad” Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, No. 940, 26 April 2018
  • “La exención por maternidad ya es cosa del Supremo” Capital Humano, 14 March 2018

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Alejandra Flores features in the legal directory Best Lawyers® for ‘Tax Law’.


London Madrid


T: +34 91 423 70 32

Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid

17 Hill Street
London W1J 5LJ
United Kingdom

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