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Silvia de Paz
Silvia de Paz


T: +34 91 426 31 38
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid

Practices and Sectors

  • Antitrust and Competition Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Litigation


Silvia joined Pérez-Llorca in January 2014 after two years of work experience at a Big Four firm as a trial lawyer. She currently works as a Partner in the Litigation and Arbitration practice.


  • 2013 LLM, IE Law School
  • 2011 Law and Business Administration degree, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

She speaks Spanish and English.



Silvia has extensive experience practicing before civil and commercial courts at all levels and in all types of proceedings. She has advised national and international clients, in both pre-litigation and litigation matters, handling litigation in matters related to a wide range of sectors (construction, infrastructure, energy, banking, real estate, competition, leasing, amongst others). She has extensive experience in commercial and corporate litigation, as well as in annulment, recognition and enforcement proceedings of foreign rulings and judgments. She also has experience in litigation before the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court.


Silvia has experience in national and international, institutional and ad hoc arbitrations.

She is specialised in commercial arbitration. At an international level, Silvia has taken part in a number of arbitrations before the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Nationally, she has taken part in arbitrations before various institutions such as the Madrid Court of Arbitration (CAM), the Spanish Court of Arbitration (CEA) and the Civil and Mercantile Arbitration Court (CIMA).  He has experience in proceedings for annulment, recognition and enforcement of foreign awards rendered by arbitral tribunals of various courts, including ICC, LCA, CAM.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Silvia has collaborated and continues to collaborate with various publishers through the publication of doctrinal articles and collective works, including:

  • Coach for the practice of arbitration for the Master’s degree programme at the Law School of the University of Navarra.
  • Co-author of the manual on “Medidas cautelares y diligencias preliminares en el ámbito civil”. Aranzadi 2021.
  • Moderator for the Pérez-Llorca/IE Chair on Commercial Law: Doctrina Constitucional y Anulación de Laudos: ¿problema resuelto?
  • Training session: “El papel de la oratoria en el ejercicio de la abogacía: técnicas para persuadir al tribunal y para el interrogatorio de testigos”. Postgraduate Law School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. March 2021.
  • Training session: “Litigar o no litigar: hacia una abogacía más colaborativa a luz del nuevo Anteproyecto de Ley de Medidas de Eficiencia Procesal del Servicio Público de Justicia”. Postgraduate Law School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. March 2021.
  • Reflexiones sobre la limitación de la extensión del recurso de apelación acordada por la Junta Sectorial de Magistrados de las Secciones Civiles Generales y de la Sección Mercantil de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid. Diario La Ley, Nº 9565, Sección Tribuna, 3 February 2020, Wolters Kluwer.
  • El Tribunal Supremo equipara una póliza de crédito a un contrato de préstamo a efectos del artículo 1924.3º del Código Civil. Revista observatorio inmobiliario y de la construcción no. 92/2018. May 2018.
  • Aspectos más significativos del Reglamento (UE) no 655/2014, de 15 de mayo de 2014, relativo a la orden europea de retención de cuentas a fin de simplificar el cobro transfronterizo de deudas en material civil y mercantil. Actualidad Civil, No. 2, Sección Derecho de los contratos / A fondo, February 2017, Editorial Wolters Kluwer (LA LEY 1186/2017).
  • Contribution to the new Spanish Arbitration Code (Código de Arbitraje) published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi in collaboration with Pérez-Llorca (1st Edition, 2017).
  • Los problemas de incluir el IVA en la tasación de costas. elEconomista.es. May 2016.

Silvia has also collaborated in seminars and round tables on private international law organised by the Universidad de Zaragoza.

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Silvia de Paz features in the legal directory:

  • Best Lawyers®: Litigation.
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Practices and Sectors
Team Silvia de Paz


Silvia de Paz

Licence no. 98994

The Madrid Bar Association



Practices and Sectors

Partner Silvia de Paz

Licence no. 98994

The Madrid Bar Association




T: +34 91 426 31 38
Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid


Silvia joined Pérez-Llorca in January 2014 after two years of work experience at a Big Four firm as a trial lawyer. She currently works as a Partner in the Litigation and Arbitration practice.


  • 2013 LLM, IE Law School
  • 2011 Law and Business Administration degree, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

She speaks Spanish and English.



Silvia has extensive experience practicing before civil and commercial courts at all levels and in all types of proceedings. She has advised national and international clients, in both pre-litigation and litigation matters, handling litigation in matters related to a wide range of sectors (construction, infrastructure, energy, banking, real estate, competition, leasing, amongst others). She has extensive experience in commercial and corporate litigation, as well as in annulment, recognition and enforcement proceedings of foreign rulings and judgments. She also has experience in litigation before the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court.


Silvia has experience in national and international, institutional and ad hoc arbitrations.

She is specialised in commercial arbitration. At an international level, Silvia has taken part in a number of arbitrations before the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Nationally, she has taken part in arbitrations before various institutions such as the Madrid Court of Arbitration (CAM), the Spanish Court of Arbitration (CEA) and the Civil and Mercantile Arbitration Court (CIMA).  He has experience in proceedings for annulment, recognition and enforcement of foreign awards rendered by arbitral tribunals of various courts, including ICC, LCA, CAM.

Academic and Publishing Collaborations

Silvia has collaborated and continues to collaborate with various publishers through the publication of doctrinal articles and collective works, including:

  • Coach for the practice of arbitration for the Master’s degree programme at the Law School of the University of Navarra.
  • Co-author of the manual on “Medidas cautelares y diligencias preliminares en el ámbito civil”. Aranzadi 2021.
  • Moderator for the Pérez-Llorca/IE Chair on Commercial Law: Doctrina Constitucional y Anulación de Laudos: ¿problema resuelto?
  • Training session: “El papel de la oratoria en el ejercicio de la abogacía: técnicas para persuadir al tribunal y para el interrogatorio de testigos”. Postgraduate Law School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. March 2021.
  • Training session: “Litigar o no litigar: hacia una abogacía más colaborativa a luz del nuevo Anteproyecto de Ley de Medidas de Eficiencia Procesal del Servicio Público de Justicia”. Postgraduate Law School, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. March 2021.
  • Reflexiones sobre la limitación de la extensión del recurso de apelación acordada por la Junta Sectorial de Magistrados de las Secciones Civiles Generales y de la Sección Mercantil de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid. Diario La Ley, Nº 9565, Sección Tribuna, 3 February 2020, Wolters Kluwer.
  • El Tribunal Supremo equipara una póliza de crédito a un contrato de préstamo a efectos del artículo 1924.3º del Código Civil. Revista observatorio inmobiliario y de la construcción no. 92/2018. May 2018.
  • Aspectos más significativos del Reglamento (UE) no 655/2014, de 15 de mayo de 2014, relativo a la orden europea de retención de cuentas a fin de simplificar el cobro transfronterizo de deudas en material civil y mercantil. Actualidad Civil, No. 2, Sección Derecho de los contratos / A fondo, February 2017, Editorial Wolters Kluwer (LA LEY 1186/2017).
  • Contribution to the new Spanish Arbitration Code (Código de Arbitraje) published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi in collaboration with Pérez-Llorca (1st Edition, 2017).
  • Los problemas de incluir el IVA en la tasación de costas. elEconomista.es. May 2016.

Silvia has also collaborated in seminars and round tables on private international law organised by the Universidad de Zaragoza.

Professional Organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


Silvia de Paz features in the legal directory:

  • Best Lawyers®: Litigation.




T: +34 91 426 31 38

Paseo de la Castellana, 50
28046 Madrid

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