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Principales novedades normativas y jurisprudenciales en el sector asegurador 2023


Principales novedades normativas y jurisprudenciales en el sector asegurador 2023



For the third consecutive year, Pérez-Llorca’s Insurance and Reinsurance team presents the book ‘Principales novedades normativas y jurisprudenciales en el sector asegurador 2023’, written entirely by professionals from the firm, and which provides a compilation of the main regulatory and case law developments in the insurance sector from 2023.

This manual, available for the first time in a bilingual edition, was directed by Joaquín Ruiz Echauri and coordinated by Rafael Fernández, with the participation of Jesús Almarcha, Fátima Eizaguirre, Luis María González, Gloria González (alumni), Gabriel Llull, Irene Moreno, Juan Pablo Nieto, Paula Pacheco and Sofía Trigo.

New to this year’s edition is the contribution of Francisco Javier Tirado Suárez, Professor of Commercial Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, who wrote the prologue to the book.




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