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Coronavirus COVID-19

Special Information Briefing COVID-19 (No. 32): Royal Decree-law 2/2021 of 26 January, on the reinforcement and consolidation of social measures to protect employment


In this Information Briefing we analyse the main aspects of RDL 2/2021.

On 27 January 2021, Royal Decree-law 2/2021 of 26 January on the reinforcement and consolidation of social measures to protect employment (“RDL 2/2021”) was published in the Official State Bulletin and entered into force. RDL 2/2021 includes measures on employment and Social Security matters, as well as corporate and leasing matters, which extend and develop the measures adopted through a number of already-approved Royal Decree-laws as a result of the health emergency caused by COVID-19.

The entire content of the Information Briefing can be found in the PDF.