
Coronavirus COVID-19

Special Information Briefing COVID-19 (No. 34): Royal Decree-law 5/2021, of 12 March, on extraordinary measures to support business solvency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic


In this Special Information Briefing, we analyse the measures approved, including links to specific briefing notes detailing the solvency support measures and the insolvency measures that have been approved.

On 13 March 2021, Royal Decree-law 5/2021, of 12 March was published in the Official State Bulletin (Boletín Oficial del Estado). Royal Decree-law 5/2021 contains extraordinary measures to support business solvency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and establishes a series of additional measures to support the solvency of viable companies that face a severe decline in revenue due to the prolonged downturn in certain sectors and regions most affected by COVID-19.

The entire content of the Information Briefing can be found in the PDF.