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Coronavirus COVID-19

Special Information Briefing COVID-19 (No.9): Complementary measures relating to employment adopted by Royal Decree-Law 9/2020


In this Information Briefing, we have analysed the main developments relating to employment as a result of this new Royal Decree-Law, which entered into force today.

On 28 March 2020, Royal Decree-Law 9/2020, of 27 March, was published, adopting complementary measures relating to employment, to alleviate the effects of COVID-19 (“Royal Decree-Law 9/2020”). In the field of employment, Royal Decree-Law 9/2020 primarily (i) provides new measures aimed at alleviating the effects of COVID-19 on workers (see Schedule I for further details); and (ii) complements and provides detail on some of the measures provided in the previous Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of 17 March, on urgent extraordinary measures to deal with the economic and social impact of COVID-19 (“Royal Decree-Law 8/2020”) with regard to the processing of temporary workforce restructuring plans (“ERTEs”, see Schedule II for further details).

The entire content of the Information Briefing can be found in the PDF.

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