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Coronavirus COVID-19

Special Information Briefing on COVID-19 (Nº 37): Royal Decree-law 18/2021, of 28 September, on urgent measures for the protection of employment and economic recovery


In this Information Briefing, we analyse the main aspects of Royal Decree-law 18/2021.

On 29 September 2021, Royal Decree-law 18/2021 of 28 September on urgent measures for the protection of employment, economic recovery and improvement of the labour market was published in the Official State Gazette and entered into force.

RDL 18/2021 contains measures for the defence of employment and economic reactivation including the extension of Temporary Redundancy Plans under certain circumstances, until 28 February 2022. In addition, RDL 18/2021 expands upon and enhances measures already adopted in other Royal Decrees such as Royal Decree-law 8/2020 of 17 March, on extraordinary urgent measures to address the economic and social impact of COVID-19, Royal Decree-law 11/2020, of 31 March, adopting additional urgent social and economic measures to address COVID-19 and Royal Decree-law 30/2020, of 29 September, on social measures in defence of employment.

The entire content of the Information Briefing can be found in the PDF.