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Transport infrastructure, managing the legacy


18 February 15


Pérez-Llorca y Arup will be holding a conference entitled “Transport infrastructure, managing the legacy”. The round table will take place at the Firm’s headquarters on the Paseo de la Castellana, 50, from 09.00 until 13.30 on Wednesday 18 February 2015.

The conference will begin with an introduction by Mark Chown, Director of Arup España, and by José Ramón de Hoces, Partner of the Public Law practice area at Pérez-Llorca and a State Advocate on leave.

Borja Carabante Muntada, Vice Councillor for the Community of Madrid’s Transport, Infrastructure and Housing, will open up the debate. The presentations, introduced by Vicente Estebaranz Parra, Partner of the Public Law practice area and Head of the Land Planning and Environment area, will deal with a number of infrastructure-related matters. The first of these presentations will be made by Miguel Prieto Barral, Associate and Head of Arup Infrastructure in Spain, who will reflect on “Key challenges in the planning and development of transport infrastructure”. Roberto Puga, Director of BBVA’s Structured & Syndicated Lending will further elaborate on the “Challenges to infrastructure financing: new models and markets”. Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, Director of the State Ports Authority’s Planning and Port Development department will cover the topic “Challenges in the port environment: the strengthening of land accesses, enlargement of the concessional period and new public-private participation models”. Lastly, Elena Veleiro Couto, Counsel of the Public Law practice area and State Advocate on leave, will make an “Analysis of the legal framework: amendments to the concessional period and the establishment of tax models”.

After a short break, the session’s working table will take place, in which Juan Miguel Sánchez García, Legal Advisor for the Logistic Department of the Ministry of Development will provide “The Planner’s vision: National logistics strategy”; Maria Luisa Domínguez González, Manager of the Technical Coordination Area of ADIF High Speed, will discuss “The Developer and manager’s perspective: private initiatives in railway transport”; Ramón Vázquez Negro, President of the Association of Spanish Transport Centres will deal with “The operater’s perspective: sustainability and law-cost models as the key to the future” and José Andrés Arribas Navarro, General Director of Semat Transfesa Group will discuss “The user’s perspective: infrastructure demand and efficient and flexible management”.


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