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Third “Pérez-Llorca Labour Law Update” Seminar of 2018


On 3 October, Pérez-Llorca’s Employment practice will hold the final ‘Pérez-Llorca Labour Law Update’ session of the year.

03 October 18

Daniel Cifuentes and Fernando Ruiz, Partners of this practice area, will summarise the latest major judgments from the European Court of Justice, the Supreme Court and the National High Court, and review the trends in this area for the coming months.

In addition, Isabel Moya, Senior Associate in this practice, will analyse the current and future situation regarding contractors.

The event will be held on 3 October from 9.15am to 10.45am in the Auditorium of Pérez-Llorca’s Madrid headquarters, located at Paseo de la Castellana, 50. Places are limited. For more information and to register for the event, please contact Isabel Mendoza, imendoza@perezllorca.com


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