
Events and Webinars

Webinar: “The new Insolvency Act: its economic impact”


On 17 September at 7:00 pm the webinar on “The new Insolvency Act: its economic impact”, organised by the Mujeres Avenir association, will take place.

17 September 20


The discussion will focus on the entry into force of this new law and the impact it has on the economic life of small and large businesses.

The event will be attended by Cristina Escribano (Professor of Commercial Law); Patricia Sendino (Manager of Structured Financing at BNP Paribas); Amanda Cohen (Specialist Judge in economic matters); Carmen Izquierdo (Account Auditor and Judicial Administrator) and our senior associate Laura Ruiz, who will act as moderator.

The webinar, which will be broadcast live, can be viewed via the following link:



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