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Legal briefing

Market competition and consumer rights: analysis of CNMC reports IPN/CNMC/027/21 and IPN/CNMC/047/21 and Directive (EU) 2020/1828


This Legal Briefing analyses CNMC reports IPN/CNMC/027/21 and IPN/CNMC/047/21, as well as Directive 2020/1828.

This Legal Briefing analyses CNMC reports IPN/CNMC/027/21 and IPN/CNMC/047/21 from the perspective of market competition and the increasing regulation of consumer rights.

Unfair conduct in relation to online commercial practices, advertising and customer service is becoming increasingly important as a result of regulatory proposals in Spain and European regulation.

The clampdown on unfair conduct affecting consumer rights will take on a crucial cross-border importance, and administrative penalties and damages for the lack of contractual conformity may converge in the exercise of collective actions by authorised entities in EU Member States, which in turn may be financed through investors (litigation funds and any other type of private investor).

It is likely that the analysis of this briefing will coincide with the final approval of the Preliminary Draft Laws and the transposition of Directive 2020/1828.

The full content of this Legal Briefing can be found in the PDF.

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