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Third Seminar on Public Law: The Public Sector Legal System


On 3 November, Pérez-Llorca will hold its third Public Law Seminar under the title 'The Public Sector Legal System'.

03 Novembro 16

Mario Garcés Sanagustín, Vice-secretary for the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, will begin the session with a talk on “The Public Sector and Law 40/2015”. Following on from this, Rafael Díaz Yeregui, Lawyer in the Public Law Department at Pérez-Llorca, will present the “Developments in the Institutional Public Sector”.

Tras la pausa café, Marina Serrano, Abogada del Estado en excedencia y Of Counsel de Derecho Público de Pérez-Llorca, impartirá la ponencia “Los órganos colegiados”, seguida por Jaime de Blas, abogado de Competencia de Pérez-Llorca, quien expondrá los “Convenios de colaboración”.

The closing talk, entitled “The New System of Asset Liability for Public Administrations under EU and Constitutional Law “, will be led by Juan Rodríguez Cárcamo, State Advocate on leave of absence and Partner of the Public Law Department at Pérez-Llorca.

The event will run from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm at Pérez-Llorca’s Madrid headquarters, located at Paseo de la Castellana, 50.