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A practical guide on the EPPO for defence lawyers who deal with cases investigated and prosecuted by the EPPO in their day-to-day practice


A practical guide on the EPPO for defence lawyers who deal with cases investigated and prosecuted by the EPPO in their day-to-day practice




    The establishment of a common area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) offers EU citizens an area without internal frontiers, in which they enjoy free movement. National investigation and prosecution, however, have a limited and fragmented impact within the AFSJ. Therefore, the need of new appropriate measures with respect to the prevention and combating of crime emerges.

    This handbook is a deliverable of the European project EULAW: EUropean LAWyers training on EPPO, co-funded by the European Union within the Justice programme 2014-2020 and implemented by the Consortium composed by Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso-Onlus, Université du Luxembourg, Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Pravni fakultet, Interneshaval Ligal Advayz Tsentar (ILAC), Unione Camere Penali Italiane (UCPI), Consejo General de la Abogacia Espanola (CGAE).

    The entire book can be found here.


    The handbook is edited by Rosaria Sicurella, Zlata Durdevic, Katalin Ligeti, Martina Costa


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