• Encontre um advogado
  • Práticas e Setores
Javier Povo
Javier Povo


T: +34 91 423 20 86
M: +34 660 926 453
Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid

Práticas e Setores

  • Clientes privados e Family Offices
  • Fiscal


Javier joined Pérez-Llorca’s Tax team in June 2023 as a Partner. Specialised in tax litigation and proceedings, he has 17 years of experience with Spanish and international law firms.


  • 2011 Advanced Specialisation Course in Tax Proceedings, CEF Centro de Estudios Financieros
  • 2008 Master’s degree in Taxation and Tax Consultancy, CEF Centro de Estudios Financieros
  • 2007 Degree in Business Administration, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • 2006 Degree in Law, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

He speaks Spanish and English.


Javier has extensive experience in advising multinational companies and institutions on their verification and investigation procedures, in economic-administrative and judicial proceedings.

In addition, he specialises in administrative proceedings (e.g. tax enforcement and review, ordinary and extraordinary) and tax litigation, leading legal and tax advice to high value-added clients (e.g. national and international family offices, institutional clients and start-ups, among others), in order to avoid conflicts with the tax authorities and manage risk. He also provides legal assistance and defends clients during verification and investigation procedures, economic-administrative proceedings and judicial proceedings (High Courts of Justice, the National High Court and the Supreme Court).

Likewise, he assists and leads the legal defence during administrative proceedings relating to conflicts of residence before public administrations, both national and international. Elsewhere, he manages the taxation of large estates and private clients (direct and indirect taxation) from these perspectives.

Academic and publishing collaborations

He has been a member of the Expert Group on Rights and Guarantees of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and of the Tax Proceedings Group of the Zona Centro district.

Regular lecturer/speaker on highly specialised courses at the Centro de Estudios Financieros and at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid-UDIMA, and speaker in 2022 for the Master’s Degree in Tax Consultancy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s School of Legal Practice. He has been a member of Taxlandia, an online tax and fiscal commentary blog.

He has contributed to publications in his area of expertise, including the following: Chambers Global Practice Guides (Tax Controversy 2022, 2021 and 2020 and Private Wealth 2021, 2020 and 2019); Memento Práctico Francis Lefebvre Relaciones Laborales Especiales 2009-2010 and “La familia ante el derecho tributario” by Editorial Comares, Volume VII of the Tratado de Derecho de la Familia. First and Second Edition.

Professional organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


  • Chambers Europe: Tax Litigation.
  • The Legal 500 (EMEA): Tax Next Generation Partner 2023
__Encontre um advogado



Práticas e Setores
Equipa Javier Povo


Javier Povo



Práticas e Setores

Sócio Javier Povo






T: +34 91 423 20 86
M: +34 660 926 453
Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid


Javier joined Pérez-Llorca’s Tax team in June 2023 as a Partner. Specialised in tax litigation and proceedings, he has 17 years of experience with Spanish and international law firms.


  • 2011 Advanced Specialisation Course in Tax Proceedings, CEF Centro de Estudios Financieros
  • 2008 Master’s degree in Taxation and Tax Consultancy, CEF Centro de Estudios Financieros
  • 2007 Degree in Business Administration, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • 2006 Degree in Law, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

He speaks Spanish and English.


Javier has extensive experience in advising multinational companies and institutions on their verification and investigation procedures, in economic-administrative and judicial proceedings.

In addition, he specialises in administrative proceedings (e.g. tax enforcement and review, ordinary and extraordinary) and tax litigation, leading legal and tax advice to high value-added clients (e.g. national and international family offices, institutional clients and start-ups, among others), in order to avoid conflicts with the tax authorities and manage risk. He also provides legal assistance and defends clients during verification and investigation procedures, economic-administrative proceedings and judicial proceedings (High Courts of Justice, the National High Court and the Supreme Court).

Likewise, he assists and leads the legal defence during administrative proceedings relating to conflicts of residence before public administrations, both national and international. Elsewhere, he manages the taxation of large estates and private clients (direct and indirect taxation) from these perspectives.

Academic and publishing collaborations

He has been a member of the Expert Group on Rights and Guarantees of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and of the Tax Proceedings Group of the Zona Centro district.

Regular lecturer/speaker on highly specialised courses at the Centro de Estudios Financieros and at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid-UDIMA, and speaker in 2022 for the Master’s Degree in Tax Consultancy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s School of Legal Practice. He has been a member of Taxlandia, an online tax and fiscal commentary blog.

He has contributed to publications in his area of expertise, including the following: Chambers Global Practice Guides (Tax Controversy 2022, 2021 and 2020 and Private Wealth 2021, 2020 and 2019); Memento Práctico Francis Lefebvre Relaciones Laborales Especiales 2009-2010 and “La familia ante el derecho tributario” by Editorial Comares, Volume VII of the Tratado de Derecho de la Familia. First and Second Edition.

Professional organisations

The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM).


  • Chambers Europe: Tax Litigation.
  • The Legal 500 (EMEA): Tax Next Generation Partner 2023




T: +34 91 423 20 86
M: +34 660 926 453

Paseo de la Castellana, 259A
28046 Madrid

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