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Legal Studies on Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Criteria in Spain and the EU


Legal Studies on Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Criteria in Spain and the EU



Estudios jurídicos sobre sostenibilidad: cambio climático y criterios ESG en España y la Unión Europea (Legal Studies on Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Criteria in Spain and the EU) is written entirely by authors from Pérez-Llorca and was published as part of Editorial Aranzadi’s Grandes Tratados collection.

The book examines, from a multidisciplinary corporate and legal perspective, the main issues related to the new regulatory corpus on sustainability, which is being developed by the European Union within the framework of the European Green Pact. It also provides a first overview of European climate change policy, which affects all economic sectors and legal specialities, and examines some of the most significant matters emerging from this new reality.

The main issues raised by the two legal principles at the heart of this new legislation, already adopted or in the pipeline, are analysed in detail: transparency (European Taxonomy Regulation, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, among others) and due diligence (Proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence). It also addresses the impact that climate change and ESG criteria may have on other areas such as data protection, claims for damages, corporate governance, insurance, company acquisitions and competition law.

The book was edited by José María de Paz, Corporate partner, and coordinated by Marisa Delgado, Head of Knowledge Management. Other lawyers from the firm have also contributed as authors.



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